Hedgie List Breeder Reference: Breeders & Rescues by State or Province

The Featured Breeders on Hedgie List are a list of breeders who are Participating Breeder members within the United States and Canada. The breeders listed take the time and energy necessary to collaborate with other community members and maintain accurate pedigree tracking, for better herd management. Hedgie List is committed to educating and encouraging breeders to become better breeders for the greater welfare of hedgehog owners and their pets. We encourage you check out these breeders when searching for the perfect pet.

Also included on this page are Rescues and Rehome Organizations. These individuals or groups, are NOT breeders and do not produce any of the animals that they are placing for adoption. Participating Breeders that also do rescues and rehoming of animals are listed as Featured Breeders. The Hedgehog Welfare Society (HWS) does an excellent job of assisting in rehoming animals in need. Rescue facilities approved by HWS will include the initials HWS in their title.

Thank you to the following Featured Breeders who support the Hedgie List Pedigree Resource, in promoting ethical and accurate tracking of animals via pedigrees in a database registry.

Showing Active Breeders & Rescues
Located in All States & Provinces

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  • AGGHa.k.a. SPB-CO-AG
    • Hedgehog Stuff
    • USDA Licensed
  • P
  • AKHa.k.a. AKHH
    • Alaska Hedgehogs (Terrapin Hedgehogs)
    • Non-Participating
  • N
  • APHa.k.a. APH-US
    • April's Hedgie Herd
    • Memphis, TN
  • P
  • APHC
    • Aux Poils Herisses
  • D
  • ATL
    • Atlantis Hedgehogs
  • D
  • AWHHa.k.a. SPB-KY-JW
    • Ainsley Willow Hedgehogs
    • Shepherdsville , KY
    • USDA Licensed
  • P
  • BBH
    • Blizzard Baby Hedgehogs
    • USDA Licensed
  • D
  • BBNCa.k.a. SPB-NC-CE
    • Cove Exotics
    • USDA Licensed
  • D
  • BBUGa.k.a. SPB-OK-LS
    • Blakelins Unique Lovables
    • Pauls Valley, OK
    • USDA Licensed
  • P
  • BEE
    • Bumble Bee Hedgies
  • D
  • BPH
    • Briar Patch Hedgehogs
    • Goldendale, WA
    • USDA Licensed
  • P
  • BPRa.k.a. BPHR
    • Baby Prickles Hedgehogs
  • D
  • BREE
    • Blue Rose Exotics
  • D
  • CCCHa.k.a. CHC
    • Cape Cod Hedgehogs
    • Marston Mills, MA
    • USDA Licensed
  • P
  • CQH
    • Colorful Quills
    • USDA Licensed
  • D
  • CRQH
  • P
    • African Gem Hedgehogs
  • D
    • Animal Paradise Luzec
  • D
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Attention Breeders & Rescues: Please sign in to request changes to the information on your breeder listing.